The Time To Do It Is Now

You’ve set goals for the week and now you just need to get started! Oh, but wait… something else catches your eye. Something that all of a sudden seems more important, or fun or interesting.  My husband calls it “but-firsting”. I have definitely had challenges with “but-firsting” – like as I’m on my way to do the laundry, but first see that the cat food needs filling, but first I need to answer that text, but first… you get it.

We all procrastinate certain things in our lives. Whether it’s paying bills, checking social media, starting project, buying someone a gift, doing chores around the house, or returning someone’s email; people put things off. And chances are, you’ve suffered the consequences of procrastination! An estimated 20% of U.S. adults admit to being chronic procrastinators, and the numbers are much higher for college students and younger.

Procrastination can have a severe impact on your life. It’s known to have negative consequences on a person’s health, from the stress; with relationships (by putting off get togethers, being irritable with others); affecting grades or job security because you are unreliable; and lowered self-esteem after admonishing yourself or having regrets.


  • Focusing on low priority tasks

  • Spending hours each day on social media

  • Starting something important, and within minutes, getting up to eat or drink, etc.

  • Leaving something on your To Do list for a long time, even though you know it's important

  • Waiting for the “right mood” or the “right time” to get things done

  • Continuing to add less important things to your list before completing major tasks


  • Looking for something better or more exciting

  • Avoiding due to fear of results

  • Overwhelmed by how to approach the task

  • Disorganization or difficulty making a decision

  • Lack of interest or motivation

  • Not caring

  • It’s been a habit for a long time to put things off

  • Finding the task unpleasant

  • Believing you do better under pressure (adrenaline rush)

  • You’re a perfectionist & believe it will never be good enough

Procrastination doesn’t end overnight. You have to work at it. It helps to get support from someone you trust and who is objective. Work with someone who can help you to change old patterns & habits. Learn to break things down into smaller, more attainable tasks.

It’s amazing how your energy can increase when you kick the procrastination habit and get things done. And, you might be surprised at how much more you can fit into a day without feeling stressed or tired!

Heather Kassman