We are all unique. Various qualities set us apart. The most commonly thought of being religion, race, sexuality, culture and socioeconomic class. Consider other significant differences: what you eat, what you believe, variability in mental health, how you cope, or the numerous skills/talents & interests that people have. And let’s not leave out the importance of neurodiversity - neurological differences such as autism, ADHD, Tourette’s, synesthesia, dyslexia and other learning or developmental differences.

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Heather Kassman

Improved mental health is a process. It has so many layers – how you think, feel and behave. It affects how you cope with challenges, heal from adversity and move forward in healthy ways. Mental health isn’t just about the absence of anxiety, depression or other psychological issues.

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Heather Kassman

How many times did you tell someone that you were fine, when you weren’t? How often do you stuff your feelings, or keep them hidden, because you don’t feel capable of dealing with how big they feel? Admit it. We all do this regularly.

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Heather Kassman

Everyone does it. We have an experience, or learn of something someone said or did, and then we make speculations or assumptions about what it all means - usually without checking out the truth of the matter. An assumption is when you tell yourself something is true without actually having evidence or sufficient information to support it. People use assumptions in order to manage, justify and even control circumstances.

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Heather Kassman
Complain, Criticize or Contribute

These days it’s easy to fall into the habit of finding fault with people and situations. We see it in social media, the news, bullying others, and focusing on how many problems there are in the world. When criticism becomes the norm, we often fail to see the path of negativity we’re on. How much time do you spend each day listening to complaining, whining, and criticism? How much time do you spend dispensing the complaints and criticism?

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Heather Kassman
Gaslighting - What is it Really?

Lots of people are talking about the term “gaslighting” recently; looking for a definition and better understanding so they can assess their interactions with others. However, some are using the term casually in conversations, often missing the true nature of what it is.

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Heather Kassman
One-Sided Friendships

The pandemic has been tough on friendships. Most social outlets were shut down; work friends worked from home, there was no connecting with folks at the gym, and going to a show or happy hour became a thing of the past. Now that things are opening up a bit more, many of my clients are reassessing whether they want to pick up where they left off with some of their friends.

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Heather Kassman
You Make Me Feel

“He makes me feel stupid!” “Can’t she tell that her words make me feel inadequate?” “You make me so angry!” We’ve all said these words (or similar), when emotions are high and we are reacting to another person’s behaviors. But really, can someone actually MAKE us feel a certain way? Are we innocent bystanders to another person manipulating our emotions? I don’t think so.

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Heather Kassman
Speak Up

No one sets out to be walked all over or ignored. Yet many people regularly put other’s needs before their own. We’ve all done it – said yes to something we didn’t really want to do; or stayed quiet when something was bothering us.

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Heather Kassman
Out Of The Ashes

We’ve all likely changed a great deal over the last year. As we adapted to pandemic life and began to spend more time with ourselves and our thoughts, many of us began to learn about our habits and patterns. This led to personal change or growth for some and for others it resulted in developing an unwanted habit or coping mechanism. Reflect on the change you’ve gone through in the past year, and see how you can use that change going forward, to create the life you want.

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Heather Kassman
Life is Hard - You're Not Failing

Self-doubt can be one of the most difficult mindsets to overcome. Often, self-doubt starts early in life, as you form parts of your identity based on other people’s perceptions of you. Over time, their opinions will start to overtake your own, leading you to believe less in your own voice. It will take time to challenge your thoughts, but creating a steadfast sense of self-belief is one of the strongest things you can do. Let your voice guide you.

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Heather Kassman
Different - Not Defective

You’ve probably heard the term “neurodiversity” recently, but you may not know what that truly means. Most commonly associated with autism or ADHD, neurodiversity is simply a fancy way for saying “brain differences.” These brain differences aren’t disorders or illnesses, but simply the result of natural variation in our genes. However, because many neurodiverse people act or think differently than what we’re used to, a stigma has developed around the term. Take some time to learn and fully understand what neurodiversity can mean, and try to teach those around you as well. Let’s embrace neurodiversity!

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Heather Kassman
Do You Have Something To Say?

It can sometimes be a struggle to speak up for yourself. Articulating our thoughts and emotions is no easy task, and it can take a lot of practice to become comfortable with. When we don’t speak up, however, we can start to lose a sense of ourselves. Choose to surround yourself with people who will listen to you, and support your voice. Make space for you and your voice; you deserve to be heard.

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Heather Kassman
Knock-Knock: The Power of Humor

When was the last time you had a good laugh? Our lives can feel pretty serious on a day-to-day basis, and often, humor and laughter can get lost in the mix. This is particularly unfortunate, as humor is one of the greatest ways to combat sadness, de-stress, and let yourself loose! When you can laugh easily and freely, your stress will be more manageable, and the world can start to brighten a bit. If you have been missing laughter in your life lately, make an effort to inject some humor into your routine; it might just give you the boost you need.

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Heather Kassman
I See You

One of the best things in life can be our connection to other people. When someone sees you for who you are and gives you space to be yourself, it can be a freeing and wonderful feeling. Connection goes both ways, however, so it is also up to you to try and make space for the people in your life. Keep building your relationships, and try to take some time and connect with the people you meet.

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Heather Kassman
Are You Comfortable In Chaos?

While most people seek rest and relaxation, there are many others who seem to constantly be moving and in action. When you base your life around chaos, things can seem exciting. You’re always in the middle of drama and news, and there’s a big adrenaline rush associated with having so many things going on at once. However, there is only so much drama a person can take before it starts to take a toll. It might seem difficult to try and calm down the things going on in your life, especially if that’s where you feel comfortable. Try taking a step back from the flurry, and evaluate some ways you can destress your life. When you no longer rely on adrenaline and action for your life, you might find a much more peaceful path ahead of you.

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Heather Kassman