Burned Out?

Burnout isn’t just reserved for high achievers or Type A personalities. These days, it’s hitting COVID workers such as health care professionals, grocery store employees, delivery drivers, and law enforcement, as well as families trying to balance work from home, homeschool & parenting. It’s taking a toll on individuals who live alone or are separated from loved ones, as well as people struggling to make ends meet basic needs like food, shelter or feeling safe.


Burnout is “a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress”. It’s when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and lack the opportunities that help you recharge. Burnout shows up at home, work, school, and in your social interactions.



o   Physical & emotional fatigue

o   Feeling detached, defeated or disengaged

o   Difficulty concentrating, forgetful

o   Negativity seeps into how you see things

o   Feeling indifferent, “what does it matter?”, absence of purpose

o   Alternate between being overwhelmed & feeling numb

o   Lack of motivation or accomplishment, procrastinating

o   Increased self-doubt

o   Alienating, lashing out at, or disconnecting from others

o   Heightened irritability, anger

o   Loss of enjoyment


Burnout slowly sneaks up on you, which can make it difficult to recognize right away. It might show up first as physical ailments, or just feeling “off”. Pay attention to the signs.



  • Acknowledge what is going on in your life. How many things are stressful? 

  • Explore your priorities. Let a few things drop, or put them aside for bit. Look first at what is truly URGENT and what you have some control over.

  • Seek value in what you do – work, school, volunteering, chores, projects. Pick out smaller aspects that you appreciate. Remind yourself of those, to help stave off on negative perspectives. 

  • Reach out to others. When you give (time, service, money, attention) to others, you are reminded that you are not alone and you build stronger connections. 

  • Take care of basics – eat well, shower, move your body, keep a reasonable sleep schedule. 

  • Make time to relax – yoga, meditate, get some fresh air, disconnect from screens, be present 

  • Set boundaries – be careful to not overextend. What is actually possible and reasonable? 

  • Play – enjoy time with pets/kids, play board games, build with Legos, color outside the lines! 

  • Open yourself up to others. Ask for help or support. Let someone know you could use a friend.