When Faced With Challenging Times
When life quickly becomes overwhelming and difficult, it's natural to mostly see the negatives. And this reaction can quickly become the lens through which you see all things. Whether you are faced with the loss of a job, a friend, a loved one, your home, or are challenged by health problems or complications from the most recent COVID-19 – your response can make all the difference in the world to how you will navigate it all.
Your brain is programmed to respond to negative emotions by shutting off the outside world and limiting the options you recognize. Your focus turns to the powerful emotions of fear, anger, and stress, which prevents your brain from seeing the other options and choices you may have. It's a survival instinct.
However, if you can step back from the inclination to swim in negativity, and can reflect on the “gifts” or positive factors that are present, you may be able to get through the hard times more effectively. This isn’t about ignoring the facts or putting your head in the sand. And it’s not as simple as “smiling through it” or “thinking positively”. Although, research tells us that when you experience positive emotions such as joy, contentment, and love, your brain is better able to open up to possibilities and options that benefit you.
People around the world are currently experiencing an immeasurable level of stress and worry right now. That is a fact. We need to accept that we are all sharing in something dreadful. Ranging from smaller inconveniences of not having shelves stocked with things we typically enjoy; all the way to very real fears for our health, safety, and financial security.
Reflect on what is truly important to you – explore & prioritize your values
Reach out to people you love and care about
Connect with your community – we all have something to give and share with others
Make time to care for yourself
Spend more time with family & pets
Wear what you want
Listen to music while you work
Eat more homemade meals
Save on gas
Throw in a load of laundry on a break
Step outside for some fresh air or sunshine in between projects
Get a break from some of the people you’d rather not see
Make time to do something that you typically don’t get to do: learn, create, rest, recharge
We have a choice. We can choose to feed the voice that focuses on how awful, difficult, or desperate we feel. OR, we can choose to adjust our thinking and amplify what is positive, hopeful, or fortunate.
Now, you cannot simply think your way to a perfect life… but you can make a conscious effort to shift your perspective. Be intentional in keeping your mindset focused on patience, perspective, and what is most beneficial to you and others.