When Is It Time To Move On?

Making a decision about moving on from someone or something can feel impossible at times. Jobs, living situations, or relationships (family, friends, romantic, or work relationships) – they all have ups and downs. So how do you know when it’s time to make a change, work on it more, or call it quits? You likely have emotional moments when you are positive you want to leave it all behind, only to have those feelings pass quickly. It’s a reality in life that there are times when you just have to let go and move on. And with that reality, there is a lot to consider.

  • Have you invested so much time, emotion, and energy that it feels like a failure if you leave?

  • Does this situation or relationship meet your current values or goals?

  • Are there unmet expectations or hopes that you’re not ready to let go of yet?

  • Does this relationship or situation help you live your best life or hold you back?

  • How many issues are annoyances versus leaning more toward ‘deal-breakers’?


At times it might seem like a balancing act between ‘sucking it up’ and persevering or protecting your well-being and moving toward new changes in your life. Before you jump to a final decision, make sure you are not too emotionally upset to the point where you can’t think clearly. The last thing you want is to have major regrets.



  • This person or situation does not enhance your life. It’s more destructive or restrictive.

  • Your list of how things could be better is longer than what you would miss.

  • It feels like your values or beliefs are disrespected or unheard.

  • You are expected to make all the changes in order for things to improve.

  • You’ve been in a cycle of unhappiness for a long time without signs of change.

  • You spend a lot of time justifying yourself or your reasons for staying.

  • You are repeatedly rescuing, covering for or fixing messes.

  • You give more than you receive.

  • The situation or person makes you feel bad about yourself.

  • You don’t feel your “true self”.

  • The same issues keep occurring even after they’ve been addressed.

  • This situation or person leaves you feeling depleted on a regular basis.

  • You cannot afford for things to remain the same much longer: financially, emotionally, energetically.

  • Your predominant feelings are dissatisfaction or resentment…not happiness or satisfaction.

  • You’re always looking for ways to escape.

  • You feel stuck, trapped, and without options.


Do you recognize some of these signs? Most importantly, if you consistently find yourself hoping that tomorrow will be better than today, that’s a pretty good sign that you are not living in and enjoying the present.


When a “gut feeling” continues to alert you that something is wrong, but your fear of the unknown holds you back - seek help and support. You are not the first person to face such decisions. Prioritize yourself, your happiness.