Which Way Do You Want To Go?

A lot of clients have shared that after being isolated at home, with fewer distractions, they see that much of their lives are spent bouncing from one thing to another, without really considering what they genuinely want or need. Some indicate feeling stuck with no idea of a path forward. Others are so used to just reacting to things that hurtle toward them, that it feels strange to think they can actually direct what they want their life to look like.


Now is a great time to re-evaluate your choices, redefine where you want your personal story to go, and re-assess your values. What brings you happiness? How do you prioritize your goals? What are you learning about yourself that will lead you to take new steps in your journey over the coming months and years?


Consider how the following areas of your life have been affected in the past few months: job, relationships, physical & mental health, technology habits, spiritual practice, sense of community, personal growth. Sometimes it’s easiest to start with the areas that “don’t feel right”. This helps begin to define what we DON’T want in our lives. “I don’t want to struggle for money”, “I want a partner who appreciates me”, “I want friends who reach out to me as much as I reach out to them.”



  • Start by being curious. No self-editing or shooting down your own ideas.

  • Reflect on your core values – how do they show up in your daily life?

  • What is something new that has grabbed your attention lately?

  • Explore what your self-expectations have been in the past. (We usually act based on what we expect that that on what we really want).

  • Ask yourself, what would I like to see instead?

  • Tune into some of the recurring feelings that have surfaced recently. What are they attached to? These can be indicators of what you truly care about.

  • Define different ways you can access the feelings that you want more of. What do you need to do to feel healthier, happier, more connected, peaceful, independent, creative, included, relieved, or heard?

  • Readjust your self-expectations to allow for something new in your life. See the possibilities rather than staying stuck in the past.

Deciding what you want or need today does not mean you can’t change your mind tomorrow. Get the process started on evaluating your life now and how it could potentially be different. You do have some choices. They may take time to manifest, but hey … we’ve got time right now! If it helps to talk it through with someone, gain perspective and even brainstorm various paths – reach out to people your trust. Choose people who can offer objective feedback and care about you.


ArticlesHeather Kassman