Positive Changes to Improve Your Life

So far in 2020, it’s easy to feel trapped in a cycle of negativity. We could all benefit from taking active steps to make improvements.  While you can’t change certain things that are out of your control, you can shift your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors to better deal with the disorder in your life.


  • Do most of your life feels out of your control?

  • Do you often feel confused, anxious, irritable, depressed, tired, or numb?

  • Are you having increased conflicts with others?

  • Does it seem like negative thoughts or worry overshadow positive thoughts?

  • Is it difficult to get things done or to have fun lately?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these, it might not hurt to approach life a bit differently. Be intentional with your day. Not only will this impact you, but chances are it will catch on with others around you.


  • Smile more. Instead of ambling through news & loud opinions, seek something funny or sweet.

  • Look people in the eyes – especially in these days of mask-wearing. Make a visual connection.

  • Pay attention to negative patterns. If you keep repeating the same behaviors without thinking about it, you won’t be open to finding productive alternatives.

  • Fill your mind with more useful than useless information. If your brain is jumbled with gossip, wallowing, vengeful thoughts, and judgment, there’s less room for gratitude, optimism, appreciation, and resilience.

  • Be an example. Share what you are working on. Encourage others to join you.

  • Declutter - Clean a room or part of a room. Donate & throw things away that are not needed.

  • Get up 10-15 minutes earlier. Use the extra time to stretch, listen to music, meditate, play with your pet, or simply enjoy some quiet for yourself.

  • Don’t dwell on mistakes or missteps. Observe them, learn from them, and move past them.

  • Determine what/who you’re ready to let go of. Seek closure and make room for new growth.

  • Be kinder to yourself and others. It’s amazing how much lighter you’ll feel if you choose to include more compassion, empathy, and thoughtfulness each day.

  • Slow down and notice what your senses tell you. Make time to appreciate the smell and taste of your meals, the sounds of nature, the warmth of the sun, and the variety of colors around you.  

  • Take 5 minutes to send a message to someone you care about. It feels good for both of you.

Turn things around for yourself. Choose to work toward improvement and feeling better. If you need encouragement or support, reach out for help. Be purposeful with your life.


ArticlesHeather Kassman